Joining Tulsa Bird Dog Association represents the best value for your dollar in upland hunting and dog training. Literally, you can’t spend better money than the $40 annual dues to join TBDA. Yup, that’s right. Just $40 a year. Let that sink in and then read below what you get for that money.
The club has many activities throughout the year including:
- Educational Events and Meetings
- Gun Dog and Puppy Trials
- Buddy Fun Hunts
- Summer Sunday Clay Shoots
- Members Picnic
On top of these events, you will have access to 160 acres of prime bird dog training ground. The grounds have open grasslands with fingers of woods and fence lines to train your dog in a variety of situations. Members are given a card and gate code that will allow you 10 months of unfettered access to the grounds and our humble clubhouse.
Soon after you join you’ll begin receiving Covey Rise, the TBDA’s monthly newsletter. Covey Rise is choked full of information about the club, upcoming events, photos and occasionally a little literature on the subject of upland hunting and bird dogs.
In addition to all the fun, we also need our members to help out with the operation of certain events. If you’d like to volunteer as a range master at a Sunday Clay Shoot or if you have a special skill you can contribute to the STEP shoot, we’d love to hear about it. Twice a year we have workdays at the grounds and need the help of all our members to get ready for the season and to shut the grounds down at the end of the season. We hope you’ll put those dates on your calendar and arrange to be there to help.
Joining TDBA is as easy as can be. Complete the form below. Then write a check for your dues and mail it to:
Tulsa Bird Dog Association
PO Box 2136
Tulsa, OK 74101-2136
Hope to meet you soon!
TBDA Membership Application
General Meeting Notice
Our next meeting will be announced here.
Read More ›2024 Gun Dog of the Year
Congratulations to the Tulsa Bird Dog Club’s 2024 Gun Dog of the Year, Deuce , Owner/Handler RuSean Hardman.
2024 Puppy of The Year is Nan, Owner/Handler Doug Cross. 2024 Handler of The Year is Larry Naas.